Become an APTNE Board MemberAPTNE is looking for nominations for those interested in serving on the APTNE Board of Directors.We are proud to have a dynamic and active chapter of APTI, and the success of that is largely dependent on our Board of Directors who volunteer their time to administer APTNE activities. Being on the APTNE Board is not a ‘figure head’ position, and we expect active participation from all of our board members! Typical roles and responsibilities include attendance on our monthly board calls, support of local events and our annual meeting/Symposium, and active participation in one or more Committees (Student Scholarship, Finance, Membership/Sponsorship, Nominations, Events, and Symposium). Other additional responsibilities could include managing chapter finances, secretarial duties, website administration, local outreach, and the planning of our annual Symposium and meeting.
If you are interested in the opportunity to join the APTNE Board of Directors, we encourage you to submit your name for consideration which will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee on the current Board for applicability.
Board Nomination Requirements:
We request that only one nomination from any given company be provided. Please coordinate with your colleagues to decide who will be running for the board.
A short interview will be conducted by a member of the Board Nominations Committee to determine eligibility and interest in Board activities and to confirm that no more than twice the number of nominees are running for the four available slots this year.
If chosen, you name will be included on the ballot for 2025 Board of Directors, to be sent out to the general membership for voting 30-days prior to the 2025 Annual Meeting and Symposium.
Submit your Nomination |